Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama’s Song Book


Long ago you were productive
And you held a steady job
Now you've gotten old and feeble
And you're looking like a slob
Once you paid us lots of taxes
And were very cheap to treat
Now the bills are piling up
And there's a budget we must meet


Ain't gonna treat your heart no longer
Ain't gonna treat your back no more
Costs too much to buy you braces
Costs too much for Lipitor
Costs too much for your depression
And we're tired of your complaints
Ain't gonna treat your heart no longer
Better get ready to meet the saints
Now your joints are getting creaky
And your liver's getting old
Your carotids are stenosing
And your thyroid needs controlled
It's too bad that you have cancer
And you suffer chronic pain
But we can't afford to treat you
So you're circling the drain


While the citizens were sleeping
Congress came and took control
Now your healthcare's being run by
Bureaucrats without a soul
We won't pay for your dialysis
Won't pay to fix your eyes
But because we're kind and caring
We will pay to euthanize


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